
The 2024 Nebraska Pork will be July 17, 2024 in York, Nebraska at the Holthus Convention Center. More information can be found here. 


The AFAN & NSDA Annual Golf Tournament will be held in Beemer, NE at Indian Trails Country Club.  Click here for more information. 


Happy hour is on us! Join us as we review what we’ve been working on so far this year and what the rest of the year holds! This is a great opportunity to connect with our partners across the state.

More information can be found here 

Confined Cattle Lunch & Learn

An event for any producer looking at the opportunity of confined cattle. The day will include lunch and a tour stop. 

For more information or to register, click here 

Modern Livestock Facility Tours

This is event is for county officials to see first hand what modern day ag facilities look like. More information on our tour stops to come!